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Test for STDs - Private Laboratory

Need a private sexually transmitted disease test?
Is confidentiality and anonymity important to you? This is the address!
We perform a light and simple urine test for 7 to 9 types of STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases as they are sexually transmitted diseases. The risk of contracting them stems from multiple partners and having relationships without appropriate means of protection.

In recent years, there has been an alarming increase in the incidence of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases in the world and in Israel. A particularly sharp increase has been recorded among men who have sex with men but most women suffer from complications more than men who contract sexually transmitted diseases. A pregnant woman with a sexually transmitted disease can infect her baby and cause serious health problems.

If there is a suspicion that you are contracting a sexually transmitted disease, see a doctor immediately. Delaying treatment or avoiding it can cause serious damage, and of course infect the following with sexual contact with you in the disease. If you have genital discharge, irritation, or burning when urinating, ulcer (wound), cow rash in the genital area or anus, it is important that you be tested.

Periodic examination even in the absence of disease symptoms at a frequency of once every few months, is recommended for people who have casual sex.

In our laboratory, a test is performed for sexually transmitted diseases called STD - sexually transmitted disease, a disease that is transmitted through sexual contact.

We perform tests on the 9 most common types of sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of diseases tested:


Gonorrhea - gonorrhea

Trichomonas vaginalis

Mycoplasma hominis

Mycoplasma genitalis

Oreoplasma Uralitcom

Oreoplasm pharynx

Oral herpes type 1

Type 2 vaginal herpes


Execution technique

The test technique is a PCR method Molecular method comes looking for the DNA of the bacterium found in the urine. In this method, a disease can be identified even if there are no clinical symptoms, since there are situations in which some sexually transmitted diseases are dormant.

What should be done?

Give urine from the middle of the stream of the first urine of the morning into a sterile cup.

When answers?

And the answers are received within 7-10 days.


A little explanation:

Chlamydia - common among venereal diseases. Both women and men are infected. Going through unprotected sex. Causes genital discharge. Sometimes there will be no discharge and no symptoms. Can cause infertility and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, burning when urinating, pain during intercourse, discharge from the vagina and penis, fever and more. The test is performed by a blood test and a urine test.

Vaginal herpes - also known as type 2. This type 1 of the mouth and lips. Infected by having unprotected sex, highly contagious and found in almost 75% of prostitutes. You can also be infected by oral contact or preparations exposed to the virus. Pregnant women can infect Hold and this can cause him nervous system problems and growth retardation, they will need to have a caesarean section.

Trichomonas - a unicellular parasite, called vaginal trichomonas, is contagious and sexually transmitted, about 20% of women and up to 10% of men are infected with this parasite. Its manifestation is a foamy discharge from the vagina in a yellowish-green color accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, pain and burning. In men will see mucous discharge from the tip of the penis, itching, burning and pain.

Antibiotics should be taken, it is important that both partners take to prevent re-infection.

Mycoplasma hominis and genitalis - There are about a hundred strains of mycoplasma but these two strains are relevant to sexually transmitted diseases. Up to about 30% of carriers of these strains may develop vaginal inflammation. Of all those who suffer from these venereal diseases, 50% are known to suffer from fertility problems. Symptoms: Vaginitis, vaginal discharge, risk of developing infections in other fertile organs, in men can be a fertility problem. An STD test can detect the presence of this bacterium.


Oroplasma - a bacterium found in the genitals of man and woman. There are two varieties Orliticum and Perbum. Causes of infection and inflammation can be transmitted from person to person through both genital and oral sexual contact, both from mother to fetus in utero and from mother to child working in the birth canal. This bacterium can damage other genitals and fertilization.


How are you progressing?

You must call and arrange a time for us to take the urine from you for the purpose of performing the test, or you can reach us.



Improve your health

According to the results of laboratory tests, you will get a complete picture of your health condition


Receiving test results

In complete discretion and maintaining complete confidentiality

Blood sampling by a nurse in your home

Home visit by a team of certified brothers and sisters only



Determining the date of the test

A convenient date has been set for you to choose without waiting times


Contact us or leave details

Phone, Internet, Whatsapp or Telegram, social networks

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