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Customer service is always at your service!
For any questions on the following topics, the consultation is free:
Private blood tests
Maintaining a private nurse
Nursing supervision in the patient / patients' home
Nursing treatment
Bandages for complex wounds
Giving injections at home, PICC LINE
Infusion, removal / insertion of a catheter.
Enema at home
Home Hospice Service
Specialist doctor examination
All services in one place.....
contact information:
♦ Main address : Ha-Lokhamim 53,floor 2, Holon
♦ Phone : 1-700-508-588
♦ Mobile : 050-657-1877
♦ Email :
Opening Hours:
♦ Sun -Thu: 7: 00-19: 00 | Friday: 7: 00-12: 0
♦ No audience reception on Saturdays and holidays
*** Arrival only by appointment or appointment
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