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Bypass Surgery - Heart Surgery

cardiac surgery

Wolfson bypass surgery

Dr. Hagai Dekel - Director of the Wolfson Heart Surgery Department

Brain Surgeon

In our department we believe that the heart and soul are one.
We offer the patient the best surgical solution the world of medicine has, but know that the soul can also be damaged and needs healing as well.
With us, the patient will always receive humane guiance and care.
The heart and soul of man are one .

A pure heart has created me - God and a new right spirit within me.
Psalms, Chapter Chapter, verse twelve

Dr. Hagi Dekal

Types of heart surgeries we perform:

  • Bypass Surgery with / without  "Lung Heart Machine" - CABG on / off Pump

  • Valve analyzes:
    Aortic valve repair / replacement  

  • Mitral valve repair / replacement

  • Repair / Replacement of the Tricuspidal Valve Tricuspidal valve repair / replacement

  • Valve repair following Endocarditis

  • repair and complex aortic surgery  aorta.

  • Resection of heart tumors  such as myxoma, fibroelastoma and more

Why pay for private service that can get the same service in public -
call for a consultation call

Operation Theater

Why undergo your heart surgery in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Wolfson Hospital


High level

Treatment at the level of private medicine in a public institution.


Free professional advice

Consultation meeting with a senior surgeon at no cost and without obligation.


Personal accompaniment

Personal and professional accompaniment by a team of experts from the moment of the meeting until the release


Personal care

Nurse Intensive Care Heart Surgeon Close to each patient for 48 hours after surgery.



No unnecessary bureaucracy, no long wait and no cost.


Your choice

Ability to choose the surgeon / department manager.



One of the leading medical and nursing staff in the field of cardiopulmonary surgery.


Mental support and family support

Human and caring support for the family and treatment and emotional support for the patient after the operation.

Surgical Lights

What is the procedure

Contact Us

In case you or your family member need surgery and you are undecided this is the place to contact and get all the necessary knowledge


  • Initial consultation with a contact person.

  • Submitting relevant documents

  • Scheduling an appointment with a senior cardiac surgeon

Conversation with a surgeon

Conversation with a senior cardiac surgeon that includes an explanation and detail regarding the required action and if applicable continue to the surgical phase.


  • Coordinating surgery with the secretary according to the urgency of the situation.

  • Organization of required documents including commitment from HMO.

  • The choice of the surgeon by the patient according to the situation.


In the period after the surgery, you deserve recovery on behalf of the health insurance fund to return to the normal routine of life before arriving home

Our leading team

Dr. Reut Shavit

Robb Walters

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For any question on the following topics,​ Free consultation:

Bypass surgery

Valve surgery

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